Digitalisation, outsourcing and cloud projects
Legal advice on digitalisation and cloud projects
Companies face fundamental legal issues in outsourcing, digitalisation and cloud projects (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) involving a private, public or hybrid cloud, and depending on the circumstances, these issues can be quite complex. Is personal data involved? At what location is the data stored? How is the continuing availability of the provider’s service ensured?
We invite you to contact us for legal advice on your digitalisation and outsourcing projects. If the legal situation is complex, we will prepare an opinion paper for you in which we analyse and assess the legal risks associated with project implementation. We efficiently provide comprehensive professional support to companies of all sizes throughout all phases of digitalisation and outsourcing projects. Our work consists of closely cooperating with clients to professionally oversee their legal affairs. We deploy our wealth of experience with great energy to ensure proper handling of the legal aspects of your digitalisation and outsourcing project. Call us to start benefiting from this experience and obtain the legal know-how you need.